
Time tracking with GPS coordinates


Unlimited number of access points


Unlimited number of


Supported time

Employee clock in/out options


Use PC, laptop or tablet
Using pin to clock in and out
From any location


Tracking GPS coordinates
Use geofencing
From any location


Use Asario self-service
Clock in and out with one click
From any location

Wrong insert protection

You can't accidentally add a working day if that day is already reserved for vacation.
Asario have rules to prevent wrong inserts

Time tracking & payroll calculation

On-site hours
Off-site hours
Wages due
Accumulated hours
Payment history
Paycheck advance
Long-term loan
Travel expense

Manage all rules for your business model at one place!

Adjust Asario to meet your needs.

In any moment, see status of employee


What is effective time of your employee's?

Effective time = Required time – worked time.

Setup of working days and hours

Let Asario inform you about missing work. Your employees can receive on theirs mobile notification about missing work when they:

Set work time for every department or whole company
Set non-working days for whole company or department in one click
Set short working time for department or whole company

Track missing work

Let Asario inform you about missing work. Your employees can receive on theirs mobile notification about missing work when they:

Forgot to clock-in
Forgot to clock-out
Forgot to clock-in/out

No sign up needed!

Test Asario today and find out why it is the best solution for you.

Employee self-service portal

Any employee can overview working hours using Asario employee self-service portal.

Overview of working hours
Overview of overtime hours
Overview of accumulated hours
Overview of absences request
Overview of vacation days
Overview of missing days
Overview of payments


Notification on mobile or mail

Share real time information on all devices.

Missing days
Company events
Salary reports
Other important information

Integrate Attendance with other modules


Define roles and permissions

Manage the access levels of different users with a flexible set of roles and permissions that allow you to define your own rules. Control who can see and do what.

All information synchronized and centralized
Real time information from all location
Create new location less than second

Employee tracking custom reports:

On-site hours report
Off-site hours report
Absence report
Overtime hours report
Accumulated hours report
Early clock in report
Late clock out report
Effective time report
Missing days report
Check in locations report

Do you want to learn more?

Click here to find more documentation about Asario!

Frequently Asked Questions

In order to track employees attendance on site you need to enable employees to clock in when they arrive to work and to clock out when they are leaving. Asario is providing your employees with three options to clock in to work:

1. Using RFID cards
2. Using PIN number
3. Using mobile application

For this purpose we developed Asario Terminal mobile application. Asario Terminal mobile application allows your employees to clock in and clock out when they are working outside of the company whether their are using android or iphone devices. Click HERE to learn more about our mobile applications.

Asario Terminal mobile application allows your employee to clock in and out from work from enywhere in the world. In addition the mobile application track the GPS position from where the employee clocked in to work so that you have detailed information about employees working outside the company. Asario will automatically calculate the earnings based on employees terrain work.

You can insert rest breaks for working days in Asario. Asario then let you choose if you are going to calculate employees earnings with or without rest breaks.

Yes. Asario keeps track of employees overtime work. In Asario you have the option to pay out the overtime work to employee or to transfer overtime hours to vacation.

Whether you have 2 or 2000 employees you can use Asario the same way.