Vacation days

Sick leave days

Paid non-working days

Asario is completely flexible and you can setup your own rules for absence management.
All of employees absence requests are sent to administrator. Administrator have the right to:
Adjast Asario to meet your needs.
Asario enables you to create individual and group absences for your employees.
You can use on of these three options in Asario:
Any employee can overview working hours using Asario employee self service portal.
Manage the access levels of different users with a flexible set of roles and permissions that allow you to define your own rules. Control who can see and do what.
Asario supports few predefine absence types: Vacation, Paid day of absence, Unpaid day of absence, Sick leave and Maternity leave.
Yes. Every employee have the option to make a request for absence through employee self service feature and they will be notify once they request is approved.
Yes. Asario enables you to creat group reservations, wheter it is a reservation for one department or the whole company.
Employees absence requests can be approved only by the user who has administrator rights. Administrator rights can be assigned to any of your employees.
Absence group is used to create group reservation of absence in Asario.
Whether you have 2 or 2000 employees you can use Asario the same way.