Why you should give bonuses to your employees?
Happy employees are the most important factor when it comes to increasing productivity in companies. One of the ways to achieve this is definitely bonuses.
Bonuses are a way to express gratitude to your employees for their hard work and can help them feel like they make a difference at work.
Satisfied employees will certainly contribute to the development and improvement of your company, not to mention the good image that your company will have among employees, which in return can help you in recruitment effort.
Based on a survey of employee bonuses conducted by Challenger, Gray & Christmas in America, we find that 34% of companies pay bonuses to their employees, 16% pay depending on the business, while 50% of companies do not pay bonuses to employees at all.
If your company is among the 34% that pays bonuses to employees, all you need is a tool that allows you to do it easily.

By using Asario, you have absolute control over the payment of bonuses to your employees. Also, through our reports you have an accurate insight into all bonuses paid in the past:
- Total amount of paid bonuses per employee
- Total amount of paid bonuses per department
- Bonuses paid in relation to employee earnings
- Bonuses paid by months
Another option that Asario provides you with is the ability to assign bonuses to employees today, and then choose when those bonuses will be paid out.