Should you give a long-term loan to your employees?
Certain situation in which employees find themselves can negatively affect their concentration and productivity at work. In most cases, you as an employer cannot influence this, but there are some problems that you as an employer can help with. These are most often problems of a financial nature
As an employer, your goal is to have happy and satisfied employees. The ability of an employee to contact his employer at any time gives him a sense of security.
International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans conducted the study, which shows that for over 60% of participants, financial stress have direct impact on their performance at work.
One way you can help your employees is through long-term loans, which employees can use in the form of money or goods, depending on what they need.

For companies with large number of employees, manually tracking and calculating loans is an impossible mission. Asario offers you the easy way of managing long-term loans.
When it comes to long-term loans the loan is going to be paid through monthly installments, which means that Asario will automatically, when calculating the salary, deduct the monthly installment, and the employee’s salary will be reduced by that amount.
The employer needs to enter the agreed amount and the beginning of the loan repayment, as well as how many installments the employee wants to repay, and Asario will do the rest.
At any time, the employer can see how many installments the employee has repaid and how much is left to be paid.