Production terminal

Production terminal is used by the employees to manage their tasks. In order to change status of the task, employee need to log in to production terminal.

When logged in, employee have the overview of tasks assigned to him. Then he has the option to set different statuses for the task based on the work he did for that specific task.


Task status

Task can change a few different statuses while going through production process. Employees can change those statuses using production terminal.

Tasks in preparation (initial status of every task)
Tasks in progress (set by employee when he starts working on it)
Tasks interrupt (set by employee in order to stop working on the task)
Tasks finished (set by employee when work on task is done)

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Task interrupts

If for any reason, an employee can't continue working on a task, he can use task interrupt to stop the work on that task. Task interrupts describe why the task is stopped, and the are predefined by administrator for every department.

When inserting task interrupt, employee need to choose some predefined values set by administrator. The administrator is free to define interrupts as he wishes. For example, interrupt can be shortage of materials, shortage of time, etc...


Manage tasks

As an administrator, you have many options related to tasks and statuses:

Track status of the task
Track which employees are working on task
Get notification about project interrupts
Get notification about project interrupts
Task finished (set by employee when work on task is done)

Integrate Projects with other modules


Projects custom reports:

Which projects are paused?
Which projects are stopped?
Which projects are finished?
Which projects are archived?
Which projects are in production?
Which projects are to reach deadline?
Which projects are exceeded budget?
Which projects have reclamation?
Which projects are belonged to some client?
Who can work on some task?
How much time is spent on some project?
How many materials is spent on project?
How much cost project?
How many employees worked on the project?

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Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. In order to work on the projects and tasks, employees need to log in to production terminal where he can set different statuses for different tasks as he work on them.

Yes, employee can be asigned on multiple projects and tasks at the same time.

While working on tasks employee set different statuses every step of the way. This enables you to have a full real-time overview of production process. You have information who works on which task, how many hours are logged in on that task, if there is any issue with the opeation and so on.

In case of an issue, employee have the option to insert task interrupt. task interrup is just a reason why some task needed to be stopped. Good interrupt examples are shortage of materials, shortage of time etc...

Whether you have 2 or 2000 employees you can use Asario the same way.