Keep your customers in the Loop
Customer satisfaction is a leading indicator of consumer repurchase intentions and loyalty. One of the biggest question is how to increase the satisfaction of your customers?
Each client after ordering has the same questions: When it will be done? How far is to be done? Is the project progressing according to plan? If a project is late, what is the reason?
Provide information about progress to client require constant synchronization with all departments in production facilities. Which means that every department manager need to synchronize with employees to provide information to you. You can imagine how this is complicated, slow and unreliable way if you have some complicated project which include many departments.
This become even bigger problem if your customer is another business entity, and he wants to know even more detail information, so he can plan his business accordantly.
The simplest solution and at the same time most productive solution is to your client have direct access to all information from your shop floor.
To make your day as productive as possible and your customers as well-informed as possible, Asario offers a Customer Self Service portal.

All you need to do is give the client a username and password, and they will be able to access their projects at any time.
All information, which you get from shop floor, will be visible to client in real time.
By using the Asario customer portal, clients will have access to various information:
- Which projects are in preparation
- Which projects are in production
- Which projects are finished
- Which employee works on projects
- Which tasks are done and which one are in progress
- Is some project stopped and what is reason
- Do some project delay
- What is material consumption
- Cost of production (optional)